By booking the mobile escape room, all persons playing agree to the following:

(a) I understand that participating in an escape room activity entails risks such as: (a) moving or lifting objects weighing less than 20 pounds; (b) mental stress and anxiety; (c) being in a small enclosed and locked space with up to five (plus the game master) people for the duration of the activity; (d) encountering falling objects; (e) being and moving in dark or dimly lit environments; and (f) encountering sharp objects or corners.

I have no physical or mental ailment that would prevent me from participating in this activity safely for myself and others, and I am not under the influence of drugs or alcohol that would impair my ability to participate in this activity safely for myself and others.

I hereby, on behalf of myself, my heirs, successors, and assigns, and on behalf of any minor child for whom is playing as such minor child's parent or legal guardian (as indicated below, and including such minor child's heirs, successors, and assigns),

(b) I assume all risks associated with participating in this activity, including, but not limited to, risks arising from the RELEASED PERSONS' (as defined in paragraph (d) below) negligence or carelessness, or from dangerous or defective equipment or property owned, maintained, or controlled by such RELEASED PERSONS, or from their potential legal liability without fault; and

I hereby waive, release, and discharge the RELEASED PERSONS from any and all liability, including liability in contract and tort (including negligence), that may arise as a result of my participation in the escape room activity, including liability for personal injury, mental anguish or distress, death, disability, or property damage; and

(c) I agree to indemnify, hold harmless, and not sue the RELEASED PERSONS for any claims I may have, now or in the future, pertaining to any liabilities waived, released, or discharged, or risks assumed, as set forth in this waiver.

(d) The owner of the escape room activity, any operators, managers, or service providers at the facility, and all directors, officers, managers, members, owners, affiliates, employees, representatives, agents, and attorneys of each are referred to as "RELEASED PERSONS."

(e) I agree to undergo medical treatment if I am injured or become unwell while participating in this activity.

(f) I accept that throughout my participation in the escape room event, the escape room has the right to take images and video (including sound) footage of me, and that they may edit and use such photos, video, and/or sound materials for any marketing purposes.

(g) I agree to follow any escape room rules and policies that apply to the escape room event, as posted or explained to me. I accept that escape room workers may evaluate whether it is safe for me or others to participate in or continue participating in this activity at their sole discretion. I accept that once fees are paid, there are no refunds, including in the event that my participation in the activity is halted due to my violation of policies or rules, or if the escape room determines that my continuing participation in the activity is unsafe.

(h) I accept that I am responsible for my actions and behavior during this activity and that I will be held liable for any damage I do to the activity room, any of its features, or any of the escape room's personal property included therein.

(i) The waiver will be interpreted widely in order to offer a release and waiver to the fullest extent permissible by law.